Sunday, September 22, 2013

Bravery Undefeated

Prompt :: What moments of bravery have you faced this month? How have you taken the jump even when it feels as if you may fail? What can you do TODAY that shows  bravery in pursuing your dream?

Here goes. LIFE IS TURNING UPSIDE DOWN AND I THINK THE WATER IS FAR TOO DARK AND DEEP BUT I'M JUMPING IN ANYWAY!!! Hell yes, I'm jumping! Yeah, I've been used to the chaos of life on the road. We've been in the same apartment for about 6 months but have only lived here for maybe a total of two months, but not all at once. I was ok with that. It could get hard, but it became the norm. We were used to it. We would bring plenty of car activities, and then school books and movies for the hotel rooms, as well as swim suits and a double stroller for recreation and exercise. We had our groove on. We knew how it was done.

Now our lease is ending, our renters in our house in another city are leaving, so we're going back to our old house. It sort of feels like a step backward in life. There are people that I love there, people I have missed. But I am not the girl who left. I am so different. I've been wounded and become stronger, I've broken out of my box and am soaring through the universe of freedom, truth and Love (yes, I just watched Moulin Rouge last night.#timelessmovie). There is so much to discover and learn. It's scary and wonderful all at once. 

 Sometimes it feels like drowning, like when I start thinking of all the things I need to make sure happen. Sometimes I feel too tired to keep on. Sometimes I have so many feelings and I don't understand half of them or why they are even there. But then I remember that I'm strong. I am a mother warrior. I can do this. Hell, yeah I can do this! I'm not alone, and I'm not weak. 

So here I am. I'm jumping! Jumping into the crazy that is moving. Packing, cleaning, going through junk, chasing a toddler and homeschooling the other 2. Jumping into the unknown of what's going to come next. Jon and I both know that we don't want to live in that house long-term, that this is just temporary. We're just not sure what will come next, or where we will go, or where do we even want to go? All I know is that with Jon by my side, and our kids in our arms, we are living our dreams out, because that is all we need. Love is enough. 

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